Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most conservative and advanced methods for replacing missing teeth. Replacing missing teeth can help ensure your teeth stay in alignment, redistribute the force in your bite and also improve your smile. Dr. Stella Kim provides high-quality implants at Oronoco Dental in Alexandria, Virginia.

Dental Implants Q & A

  • Dental implants are an advanced technology used to replace missing teeth. They’re titanium posts that replace artificial tooth roots where you're missing a tooth. Dr. Kim surgically places your dental implant in your jawbone, which becomes the foundation for a restoration, such as a crown, bridge, or dentures.

  • The key to the effectiveness of dental implants is that they’re made of biocompatible materials, like titanium. Biocompatibility means that your body won’t recognize it as a foreign substance; therefore, your implant can fuse with your jawbone. This process is called osseointegration, which makes your implant strong and sturdy and provides several oral health benefits.

  • Replacing your teeth with dental implants has many advantages, including:

    • Keeping your teeth from drifting out of alignment

    • Making it easier to eat and speak

    • Improving your appearance

    • Redistributing the force in your bite

    As one of the most modern solutions for replacing missing teeth, dental implants have many advantages over other restoration methods.

    Dental implants are more conservative because you don’t need to extend the procedure to adjacent teeth like with a bridge. They also can be more stable than dentures because they can tolerate a stronger bite force.

    Unlike both dentures and bridges, dental implants connect your prosthetic teeth directly to your jawbone. This stimulates your bone tissue and helps protect you from bone loss.

  • To be a good candidate for dental implants, you need to have a substantial amount of bone in your jaw since implants are anchored to your jawbone. If you don’t have enough bone in your jaw, you might need a bone graft before getting your dental implants.

    Your gums also need to be healthy to place your implants. If you’re experiencing gum disease, Dr. Kim will need to rehabilitate your gums with periodontal treatment before moving forward with implants.

    Schedule a visit with Oronoco Dental by calling the office or booking online, and restore your smile with dental implants today.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a common tooth replacement procedure. Many patients choose to have implants instead of other tooth replacements such as dentures or bridges. Dental implants are small titanium metal posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone beneath the missing tooth’s space. Once the post is in place, a replacement tooth can be permanently mounted on the post.

The implant serves as an important support for the replacement tooth. Because it is implanted directly into the jawbone, the bone naturally fuses with the post and retains its strength and shape. This prevents long-term bone deterioration that can happen with other tooth replacement methods.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants have several important advantages that may make them the right choice for you. Unlike dentures, dental implants stay still in your mouth, just like your natural teeth. This means that you will not have a difficult adjustment period where you need to re-learn to eat and pronounce words. It also means that your implants will be unnoticeable by others – unlike dentures.

Dental implants are also easier to care for than other tooth replacement methods. Implants can be brushed and flossed just like your regular teeth. They stay fixed in your mouth. As long as you keep up your regular oral hygiene habits, you can expect your implants to remain clean, functional, and esthetic.

Talk to Oronoco Dental about Dental Implants

Oronoco Dental is ready to help you decide if dental implants are right for you.  We provide the best dental implants in Old Town, Alexandria.  Contact Oronoco Dental to schedule your appointment today!