Teeth Whitening

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Oronoco Dental offers you the whiter smile you’ve always dreamed of. Teeth whitening is a non-invasive procedure that can brighten your teeth in as little as a single session.

The outside layer of teeth – called the enamel – slowly picks up stains from everyday eating and drinking. Dark or yellow stains are particularly common if you smoke, drink dark liquids (such as coffee, soda, tea, or red wine), or if you have a hard time keeping up with brushing and flossing. Removing these stains with a whitening agent is the key to restoring your natural smile.

What is Teeth Whitening Like?

There are many over-the-counter options for teeth whitening that can be done at home. However, these products do not have nearly the strength of teeth whitening options available from your dentist. For the quickest and strongest results, ask your dentist about professional teeth whitening.

In-office teeth whitening can demonstrate impressive results in as little as a single session, though more sessions may be recommended for longer-lasting results. During each session, your dentist will thoroughly clean your teeth and then will place a protective barrier around your gums. Finally, she'll apply the whitening agent and let it go to work. Photos from before and after your appointment will prove the effectiveness.

Alternatively, your dentist may recommend in-home treatments using powerful whitening agents not available over-the-counter. She'll make an impression of your teeth and send you home with a special mouthpiece to hold it perfectly in place. When applied daily over several weeks, your teeth will shine whiter than you ever thought possible.

Restore your Bright Smile with Oronoco Dental

If you’ve always wanted a whiter smile, now is the time to act. Schedule your consultation with Oronoco Dental to learn how you can whiten your teeth in as little as a single session. Contact us today to get started!